7 Frequently Asked Questions About Home HVAC

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Updated on Oct 22, 2023
5 min read
7 Frequently Asked Questions About Home HVAC

You can get the most out of your air conditioner by learning about the way it works and what you can do when things go wrong in your Northern California home or business. These are a few common questions related to air conditioners.

1. Why is cold air not coming from the air conditioner?

It can be frustrating to feel the fan and hear the motor, but not get cold air. You should check if the thermostat is on ‘On’ and not “Auto’. Also check the set temperature. It should not be too high that the cooling system doesn’t kick in. You should clean the condenser and check the filter too if required. You may need professional help if you notice refrigerant leak, leaky ductwork, or any other mechanical trouble.

2. Am I overusing my air conditioner?

Are you worried about high energy bills or overusing your air conditioner? Programmable thermostats can help in reduce overall AC costs without sacrificing your comfort. You should also pay attention to your ACs cycling. Consider reducing the demand on your AC by raising the temperature. Air conditioners that are ageing, poorly maintained or undersized tend to run longer as well.

3. How can I plan my landscape around the outdoor unit?

The right landscaping tips can hide the air conditioner from view while allowing it work efficiently. Make sure you keep plants at least 2 – 3 feet away. This will allow plenty of room for proper airflow. Latticework or potted shrubs are a salient way of concealing the condenser.

Long-term landscaping would include planting bushes and trees that eventually hide the air conditioner from view. This will provide your home with shade from the sun and shelter from cold winds.

4. How does an air conditioner work?

Air conditioners make use of a continual cycle of evaporating and liquefying refrigerant for cooling indoor air. There are four main components to the process:

  1. The evaporator is responsible for transforming liquid refrigerant to gas. The fan will blow hot air from the interior of the house over the evaporator coil. This will cool the air, which is then blown back into the rooms.
  2. Rate of refrigerant flow is controlled by expansion valve.
  3. Condenser (outdoor unit) contains the compressor, condenser coil, and fan.
  4. Compressor is responsible for converting gaseous refrigerant into its liquid form by releasing heat outdoors.

5. How to find the right sized air conditioner?

Air conditioners need to be properly sized as per your needs. You should find a reliable HVAC contractor to help you make this important decision. Systems that are small as per the home’s square footage are unable to produce enough cooling. Likewise, systems that are too big will short-cycle. This may result in clammy and moist air.

6. Why is there noise coming from the air conditioner?

The hum of an air conditioner’s motor can be comforting or pleasant. However, banging, buzzing, rattling, and squealing sounds can indicate that there is something very wrong with the unit. You should not ignore these loud noises.

7. What steps should I take before turning on the AC unit?

It is enjoyable to turn on the air conditioner for the first time in summers. However, before you switch it on, you should ensure that the filter, condenser, and surrounding yard is clean. Have a professional tune-up the air conditioner as well.

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