7 Tasks You Should Include in Your Routine HVAC Maintenance

Ensure optimal performance of your central air conditioner and HVAC unit with top task for routine AC maintenance. Trust Sandium for expert AC maintenance services.

Updated on Oct 22, 2023
5 min read
7 Tasks You Should Include in Your Routine HVAC Maintenance

Routine maintenance allows your Bay Area system to get the most of your HVAC unit. Skipping annual tune-up can put your system at a risk of lower energy efficiency, decreased performance, and higher energy bills. Additional strain on the system may also lead to shortened lifespan and frequent repairs. HVAC maintenance is an investment that will improve the health of your unit.

These are a few tasks you should include in your routine HVAC maintenance:

1. Visually Inspecting the System

The technician you hire will first do a thorough visual inspection of the equipment. They will look for signs of damages, such as dust buildup, corrosion, rust, and leaks. The technicians will inspect the outdoor unit as well to ensure it is not covered in natural debris, such as overgrown grass or dead leaves.

2. Inspecting and Changing Filters

Air filters are an integral part to your HVAC system. Disposable air filters catch particles for preventing it from entering the system. It doesn’t allow the system to get clogged with dust and debris either. Air filters protect the unit and improve air quality in the home to help you breathe easier.

It is normal for air filters to get dirty over time as they get clogged with dust. Air filters are less effective in protecting the HVAC system if they get dirty. This is because air cannot pass through the filter easily. This makes an HVAC system work harder. It is recommended that you change the air filter every 3 months.

3. Cleaning Debris

Dust can accumulate on condensing units, blowers, and other vital moving components. Small amount of dust can also damage your equipment. The technician will carefully vacuum dust and debris. They will also inspect the equipment to ensure there is no serious corrosive damage.

4. Checking Thermostat Settings

Thermostat plays an important role in the daily operation of an HVAC equipment. This is the device that sets the temperature as per your comfort needs. Most thermostats today are battery operated and programmable. Your HVAC technician will tune-up the thermostat to ensure it accurately measures the temperature in your home.

5. Inspecting the Condensate Drain

Condensate drain prevents condensate water from getting trapped within the air conditioner and heat pump. Excessive moisture can cause bacteria and mold growth in the house. Clogs can result in high humidity levels, water damage, and uneven temperature in the house. The HVAC technician will inspect the condensate drain for damage and clogs.

6. Check Voltage and Electrical Connections

HVAC systems contain connections and cords that can come loose over a period of time. Loose electrical connections may cause damage to the system. Maintenance technicians will check the electrical connections to ensure they are secured properly. They will replace damaged and frayed wires to reduce the risk of fire and improve your system’s performance.

7. Lubricating Moving Parts

HVAC systems have several moving parts in the circulation units, fans, compressors, and other components. Without adequate lubrication, these parts will begin wearing down because of friction. The technician will lubricate these parts so that they move smoothly. They will also inspect other components and recommend replacement of damaged parts. This is important if you want to avoid expensive repairs at a later date.

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