Ideal Room Temperature For a Healthy Sleep
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Quality of sleep is a vital factor in maintaining quality of life. Your sleep quality can be significantly affected by the temperature of your bedroom. A poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that having an ideal room temperature could help get a good night’s rest. Needless to say, the condition of your Bay Area HVAC system has a major impact on your sleep.
Best Sleep Temperature
Approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit is thought to be the best bedroom temperature for getting a good night’s rest in the case of adults. This can differ by a few degrees depending on individual preferences. Infants tend to benefit when their bedroom temperature is 1 to 2 degrees warmer. This is because their bodies are still in the developmental stage and sensitive to changes. Too warm temperatures may place your infant at a risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Effect of Temperature on Sleep
The circadian rhythm is responsible for regulating the sleep cycle. Circadian rhythm is based on the sun’s cycle and is controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the brain, which is located in the hypothalamus. A number of personal and environmental factors dictate the master body clock.
The body temperature starts dropping about two hours before a person goes to sleep. This coincides with the release of melatonin (sleep hormone). The body temperature continues falling during sleep and reaches the lowest point in the early hours of the morning. It gradually warms as the morning progresses. The body uses a process called vasodilation to send heat away from the core.
Warm temperatures in the bedroom can prevent the body from lowering its temperature causing restlessness and discomfort. It can be difficult to nod off when you are dehydrated and sweaty. A too warm bedroom can interfere with the body’s natural processes and cause fatigue. Your body’s temperature doesn’t just affect sleep onset. It also affects the time spent in various stages of sleep.
Higher core body temperature decreases subjective sleep quality. The body is more sensitive to ambient temperature changes during REM sleep. A decrease in slow-wave sleep can impact the immune system and bodily recovery. However, it’s vital to understand that a cold bedroom is not ideal even if it is not as detrimental as a hot sleeping space.
How to Keep the Bedroom Cool
These tips can be used for keeping the bedroom cool or at an optimal temperature for sleeping:
- Move downstairs during the hot season
- Close the blinds during the day
- Turn down the thermostat during night
- Promote ventilation by opening windows
- Use an ideal sized air conditioning unit
- Control bedroom humidity
- Keep your HVAC system maintained
- Use breathable sheets, mattresses, comforter, duvet, and pillows for reducing sweating
You can regulate the body’s internal thermostat and prepare your body to naturally fall asleep. You should understand that the circadian rhythm is highly sensitive to light, diet, exercise, and other factors. You should time these activities perfectly to maintain the ideal body temperature, and potential sleepiness.
You can set your sleeping temperature and body clock to a consistent temperature with healthy sleep habits. For instance, maintain a dark and quiet bedroom and avoid coffee or alcohol before bed. You should also maintain the HVAC thermostat just right.
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