Is it Better to Repair or Replace Your HVAC?

Confused about whether to repair or replace your HVAC system? Get expert advice on air conditioning repair and HVAC replacement options at Sandium. Contact us today!

Updated on Oct 23, 2023
5 min read
Is it Better to Repair or Replace Your HVAC?

Bay Area homeowners do invest a lot in HVAC systems and they work well for many years too. If you are facing frequent breakdowns or repairs, it may be a perspicacious idea to replace your system. But it is hard to part with your HVAC system and go through the entire process of choosing and installing a new one. Many users are content if their system functions well after a few repairs. There is always a tough choice between repairing and replacing the HVAC system. If you face a few minor repairs, it does not indicate that your system is failing or that you need to upgrade. On the other hand, you cannot make do with a system that faces recurring issues either.

So how does one choose between repair and replacement? There are a few factors to consider.

1. Life of the HVAC system

Most systems are designed to last for about 10 to 15 years. If maintained well and serviced regularly, some may even function longer. But some systems may have a short life if the conditions for use are not optimum. For example, poor air quality, extreme climatic conditions, neglect and lack of system cleaning can spoil the system quickly.If your HVAC system is more than 8 or 9 years old, it might be wise to invest in a new system. You will be able to enjoy extra features and higher comfort as well. But if the system is comparatively new, you can get it repaired. But ensure that you care for the system properly so that you can avoid frequent glitches and repairs.

2. Condition of your system

A unit is less likely to face problems if it has been well maintained and serviced regularly. With the correct preventive maintenance and timely cleaning, HVAC systems can function effortlessly for more than 10 years.

3. Nature of the problem

When you face issues like a glitch in the wiring, you can easily get it repaired. But if your problems consist of a failing compressor or frequent refrigerant leaks, your system may have to get an overhaul. Certain problems are time consuming and expensive too. In the long run, it is better to switch to a new system rather than repair the existing parts that may have too much wear and tear.

4. Expenses

It is obviously expensive investing in a new HVAC system. Apart from the unit itself, you have to pay your contractor for measurements, inspections and new ductwork (if required). Thus, replacing your HVAC system is a costly affair. But if you continue facing issues often, it puts strain on the system, increasing your energy bills, in addition to repair costs. You have to check how high your repair costs are and if it is really worth spending so much again and again, instead of getting a newer system that will face less problems.

5. System capacity

A system that is old may no longer be adequate for your space. If you experience hot and cold spots, odors or too much humidity, it is probably time to upgrade.

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