What Does an AC Tune-Up Usually Include?

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Updated on Oct 22, 2023
5 min read
What Does an AC Tune-Up Usually Include?

It’s critical to regularly maintain your heating and cooling units in your Bay Area place of residence and/or your workplace. You may have to deal with unexpected break downs leaving you without conditioned air if you fail to get it done. This post will explain the various things that are involved in an air conditioner tune-up.

What is Included in Professional Cleaning and AC Tune-up?

A thorough air conditioner tune-up will include the following:

  • Comprehensive cleaning of the condenser coils for increasing efficiency. This directly affects the energy costs. It can also reduce wear and tear on the system.
  • Evaluating the coolant level for maintaining peak operating performance. You would need to lubricate all moving parts for eliminating wear and friction that may bump up the utility bills.
  • Proper operation can be verified by a full thermostat calibration.
  • Ductwork inspection to prevent any possible energy losses.
  • Inspection and tightening of all electrical connections for verifying safe system operation.
  • Evaluating performance of the blower motor.
  • Evaluating the blower belt’s condition.

These are a few standard checks that should form part of any reliable HVAC tune-up.

HVAC Tune-up Checklist

You can enjoy better performance when you get your HVAC tuned up. You can enjoy pollution free cool or warm air by properly maintaining the HVAC unit. Any equipment can fall into disrepair if it is not serviced timely. Well-maintained air conditioning units last longer.

However, you should ensure that the HVAC technician that comes over knows what they are doing. This is an exhaustive AC tune-up checklist:

  • Check and adjust blower belts and motor
  • Review of thermostat settings and testing
  • Changing the air filter
  • Lubricating all moving parts
  • Checking and straightening fins
  • Tightening electrical connections
  • Cleaning the condensate drain
  • Measuring refrigerator charge and levels
  • Checking controls
  • Coil cleaning
  • Inspecting filters
  • Checking and cleaning burners
  • Checking carbon monoxide levels
  • Checking of relays and contractors for wear
  • Adjusting refrigerant levels
  • Inspecting pressure and temperature
  • Inspecting safety controls and devices
  • Testing emergency shut offs
  • Inspecting ductwork
  • Cleaning and flushing drain line and trap
  • Inspecting heat exchanger for cracks and leaks
  • Tightening electrical connections

Cost of HVAC Tune-up

Air conditioning units make use of a lot of energy in a home. You should get your HVAC unit serviced for saving energy bills and lessening the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. There are a lot of factors determining the cost for a complete air conditioner tune-up. This includes the season, job, and contractor. These are a few factors that may be affecting your HAVC tune-up cost:

  • Square footage of the house
  • Maintenance schedules and regularity
  • Age of the air conditioner
  • Extent of ductwork
  • Complexity and model of the air conditioner unit

When Should You Get an HVAC Unit Serviced?

You should have an AC tune-up completed at least once every year. This is regardless of the make and model. You should tune the air conditioner in the spring and the heating unit before winter sets in. It generally takes an hour to tune-up HVAC units.

However, the configuration of the unit will determine the exact time taken. It also depends on how often you have the air conditioner serviced and maintained. The technician will require another 30 to 45 minutes if the system requires refrigerant. You should always get a professional HVAC contractor to service and tune-up the system. 

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