Thermostat Problems That Can Damage Your HVAC

Discover common thermostat problems that can potentially damage your HVAC system. Sandium offers expert services for HVAC near you. Get help with the HVAC problem now!

Updated on Oct 22, 2023
5 min read
Thermostat Problems That Can Damage Your HVAC

More than 76 million Americans have central HVAC systems installed at their homes. You probably know that thermostats play an important role in your comfort if your Bay Area home has a central heating and air system or a furnace. Thermostats are complex components that can cause a lot of trouble if they break down. And, it can get frustrating when things go wrong. While most thermostats work fine without any trouble for a long time, when things go wrong, they usually need to be replaced.

These are a few thermostat problems that can impact the functioning of your HVAC system:

1. Thermostat is Dirty

A common issue with thermostats that most homeowners face is that it never allows the HVAC to reach the set temperature. This is because grime and dirt can build-up inside the thermostat. The thermostat may not be able to gauge the temperature in the house when this happens.

Older thermostats usually need to be cleaned by removing the cover. You can use a piece of paper to move it between the contacts. This will help in removing the grime. You can always get protective service or maintenance if you don’t want to risk cleaning it. The HVAC professional will make sure that everything else is working the way it should.

2. Thermostat is Not Balanced

A thermostat needs to be installed level for it to work correctly. Generally, in case of older thermostats, they may not work as intended because the house shifts and settles. Mercury bulb thermostats need to be at level for them to function properly. The thermometer in your thermostat will not operate correctly if the thermostat is not level. This will cause the thermostat to become useless and it won't be able to keep the correct temperature in your house.

3. Older Thermostat

Older thermostats have a range of problems that newer ones don’t. The thermostat is not going to last forever as other components of the HVAC system. You should consider replacing older thermostats with newer models, such as programmable ones. This will ensure years of sound operation and alleviate any problem that you may have.

4. Thermostat Requires Batteries

You may get a low power warning from the thermostat. Don’t ignore this warning. You should replace the batteries as soon as the warning sign comes on. The thermostat will not work without proper power to function. The thermostat requires batteries like any other piece of electronic hardware. Your HVAC system will not receive the message to come on without charged batteries. Also, the thermostat will not be able to regulate temperature, which may cause the air conditioner to run unnecessarily.

5. Not Installed Properly

Sometimes, a thermostat is just not properly installed. This can be in the form of loose wires. You should not attempt to pull the thermostat out. Instead, you should get a professional to replace or reinstall the thermostat.

6. Programming Defects

Modern thermostats are fully computerized. They may work for years without giving you any problem. However, there are certain thermostats that are not programmed correctly. You could have programming issues if you can’t explain the problem with the thermostat. The only solution to such thermostats is to have them replaced since there is no mechanical problem.

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