What You Can Do to Avoid Indoor Asthma Triggers

Do you know what triggers asthma? Do you have an understanding of what combat indoor asthma triggers? If not, then have a quick look at Sandium. Visit its site now!

Updated on Jan 22, 2024
5 min read
What You Can Do to Avoid Indoor Asthma Triggers

Wheezing, coughing, and feeling like you can’t quite catch your breath can be a horrible experience in Northern California or anywhere. There is no way to cure or get rid of asthma. However, there are a few steps you can take to avoid asthma triggers which result in asthma attacks. This post talks about common asthma triggers and the ways to avoid them to keep yourself and your loved ones at peace in the house.

Less Common Triggers of Asthma

Most people are aware of the common asthma triggers, such as pollen. However, these are a few less commonly known triggers as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Cockroach allergens
  • Dust mites
  • Mold
  • Pets
  • Tobacco smoke
  • High humidity
  • Food additives
  • Smoke from burning grass or wood
  • Air freshener chemicals

Steps to Avoid Asthma Triggers

It is simple to ask someone to stay away from the potential triggers of asthma. There are several things in a house that people are not even aware of as asthma triggers. According to the EPA, indoor air can be 2 – 5 and up to 100 times more polluted as compared to the outdoor air. This is because of air quality troubles that people are not aware of.

These are a few ways to keep the inside air in your home clean:

1. Install an Air Cleaner

Air cleaners or air purifiers are a good way of keeping the indoor air quality good. Air cleaners are useful in cleaning the inside air of an entire home. They remove odor-causing microscopic particles as well as viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. The air cleaner catches the particles as soon as they come through the ducting system.

2. Changing Air Filters

If you have a furnace system or an HVAC unit, you should consider changing their air filters regularly. It is recommended that you change a fiberglass filter every month and pleated air filter every six months. However, this is only the recommended average. You should take out the air filter every few weeks and look for clogs. If you can’t see light passing through the filter when you hold it up, it is time to change the filter. Dirty air filters are not equipped to catch dust and allergens. These will continue circulating through the house causing problems.

3. Install Dehumidifier

Humidity can be a problem for people with asthma. Relative humidity levels over 50% can cause dust mites to increase in the air. It also results in a mold problem. Dehumidifier can lower the levels of humidity in the house. In fact, a whole-home humidifier can be just the thing required by asthma sufferers.

4. Prevent Cockroaches

Asthma attacks can be triggered by cockroaches and their droppings. You should ensure that you clean up crumbs right after eating. Get in the habit of wiping down kitchen countertops. Try laying a few cockroach traps around the house.

5. Seal Leaks

Leaky air ducts can suck up surrounding dust. Look at the ductwork in attic and crawlspace. The air duct may blow dust throughout the house causing asthma attacks. You should also avoid using air fresheners since they contain volatile organic compounds, such as formaldehyde. This can aggravate the symptoms of asthma.

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